Globalno učenje za učitelje

UCL London vabi učitelje k udeležbi na spletnem seminarju. Na tem tečaju bodo razvili sposobnosti uvajanja globalnih vprašanj in metod globalnega učenja v svoje poučevanje.

Današnji učitelji morajo pripraviti svoje učeče se za globalno prihodnost. Mladi se bodo morali naučiti sodelovanja z ljudmi z vsega sveta ter pridobiti spretnosti in znanja, da bodo postali globalni državljani.

Usposabljanje je bilo razvito v skladu s 4. 7 ciljem trajnostnega razvoja, ki od držav zahteva, da do leta 2030 razvijejo globalno učenje za vse učence.

Cilj tega tečaja je zagotoviti spletni vir, ki je dostopen učiteljem po vsem svetu. Zagotavlja pa uvodni pregled v globalno učenje in sorodna področja.

Ta tečaj je namenjen učiteljem po vsem svetu, ki želijo med svojimi učenci, dijaki in študenti spodbujati globalno državljanstvo in si prizadevati za doseganje cilja trajnostnega razvoja 4. 7.

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Incorporate global learning and global citizenship education into your teaching

Teachers today must prepare their students for a global future.

Young people will need to learn how to positively engage with people from all over the world and build the skills and knowledge to become a global citizen.

On this course, you’ll increase your confidence and ability to introduce global issues into your teaching. You’ll get CPD training in how to address global issues in your teaching and support global citizenship in your school.

This course is developed in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goal 4.7, which requires countries to develop global citizenship for all learners by 2030.

When would you like to start?

Start straight away and join a global classroom of learners. If the course hasn’t started yet you’ll see the future date listed below.

Learning on this course

On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to…

  • Explore the concept of global education and related terms such as global learning and global citizenship education.
  • Engage with key issues and debates in global education research and policy.
  • Investigate the key elements of, and approaches to, global education in research and practice;
  • Explore the opportunities and challenges global education can present for educational practitioners.
  • Collaborate with peers around the world to develop an awareness of diverse perspectives on, and practices of, global education;.
  • Assess the range of resources which are available to support educators to incorporate global education in their practice, including guides, learning activities and curriculum planning tools.
  • Develop greater confidence, knowledge and skills to be able to incorporate global education into their teaching.
  • Reflect on their current practice and identify how they might apply the learning from the course to their practice in the future.

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Vir: Globalno učenje